Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shipping Expenses

"I recently read a post on SlobberKnocker Lofts Blog and it was about shipping costs. I also want to write about this matter. I think that Bob McGuan is right. When I went around some Dove and Pigeon Auction sites I saw many of the prices have gone up. I mean I really can't blame the owners since inflation has gone up really high. But prices shouldn't be that expensive. Some peoples shipping rates range from $35.00 to $45.00 for two to four birds. Now that price is okay. But when it gets up to the $65.00 to $80.00 that gets really expensive. They should biring their birds prices up like Bob McGuan said. Please remember that bringing your prices up to an extreme really makes your business bad. So please do not bring your shipping prices up."

Iqbal Niazi

Please click here to view the SlobberKnockerlofts Blog Entry I was referring to.

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